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Showing posts from September, 2016

#Seahawks Win! Win or lose. #gosprint

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Integrative Medicine : Lubiprostone for SIBO and Chronic Constipation.

A recent 2016 study for 29 female patients with chronic constipation and Small Intestinal Bacteria Growth (SIBO) used 24 mcg twice per day of Lubiprostone (a prescriptive intestinal secretagogue). 41% of those people who tested positive for SIBO were SIBO negative after 2 weeks. This well designed (but albeit small) study also measured gastric emptying time, small bowel transit time, colon transit time (CTT), combined small and large bowel transit time (SLBTT) and whole gut transit time were measured using wireless motility capsule and showed improvement in those parameters. Stooling increased from 2x per week to 4x per week. As someone who treats a lot of SIBO and Chronic Constipation this is a promising new integrative treatment that may even have better results combined with natural therapies and even other conventional therapies. I am investigating more about the reported low side effects of Lubiprostone. The most exciting thing is that it helps us understand more of the mecha...

#Seahawks Lose. Go out and #sprint. 1x per week get the #growthhormone boost. Fasting can do this as well. Keeps our muscle mass and metabolism robust.yup that's me.

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Empowered Patients: BrainS.

Recently my wife and I took a class together. The topic came up about what questions a patient should ask when being told to consider a treatment or procedure. The instructor talked about using the acronym BRAIN to formulate your questions. I liked the basic structure of the acronym but like any good nerd (I say this lovingly)...I decided to improve it and I changed the acronym to brains BRAINS. So here it goes.... A doctor walks into the room and says "I want you to take this pill"....before you say "OK"; follow this train of questions. BrainS B: What is the Benefit(s) of the Treatment or Procedure? R: What is the Risk(s) of The Treatment or Procedure? A: What Alternatives are available besides this treatment? I: What is my Intuition telling me (or gut feeling) about doing the treatment or procedure? This you must ask yourself N: What would happen if I do Nothing? Or Need Time before making a decision? S: my addition. What happens if I suddenly stop tre...

HPA Management: How to decrease anxiety?

This post is about Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal gland Axis (HPA) management. Specifically how to decrease anxiety. How do we decrease anxiety? Ask people to be clear of what is expected of us. And upon hearing what's expected be honest with ourselves and others about what is possible. If we you have expectations from others and for ourselves that have no boundaries; then we are likely going to experience an arousal state in the brain. This trickles down to anxiety related symptoms. Vice versa by not setting expectations we can reak havoc on our inner self relationships and outer self relationships. Of course I could write all day about lifestyle changes and herbal interventions that might help but the inner game of anxiety is so much more.

HPA arousal: How to decrease anxiety.

How to decrease anxiety? Ask people to be clear of what is expected of you. And upon hearing what's expected of you be honest with yourself and others about what you can do. If you have expectations from others and for yourself that have no boundaries; then you are likely going to experience an arousal state in the brain. This trickles down to anxiety related symptoms. Bo