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Showing posts from June, 2016

SIBO Symposium this weekend

I am attending the SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) Symposium this weekend in Portland. Part of the time I'll attend on-line and the other in-person. I have looked forward to going to this conference for a while . Why am I going? As you may know I treat a fair amount of SIBO and have lectured on the topic   and have put a great deal of study into it. I have seen a profound change in my IBS, IBD, and digestive disordered patients by assessing for and treating SIBO, but there is so much to learn about how to effectively manage it. Treatments aren't perfect and  far from it. So, I am going to learn any inside pearls of information especially on the Archaea species who produce methane gas leading to constipation. Here are some general tips to know if you have been diagnosed with SIBO If you have any specific questions for me to take to the symposium please email me at  today or tomorrow.