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Showing posts from January, 2017

Melatonin's role in IBS

A study using a commonly prescribed probiotic called VSL#3 showed that male IBS sufferers using VSL#3 had less abdominal pain and an improved satisfaction with bowel habits. (Wong.2015) It is interesting that patients in the study that used the probiotic had increased morning salivary melatonin. This study is very useful in helping explain another reason why taking a probiotic is regulatory for the digestive system. My overly simplistic surmise of what is happening is that this probiotic is favorably shifting the gut biome so that the enterochromaffin cells are secreting melatonin more efficiently. Melatonin (a hormone) has been studies in the digestive tract as it is known to be produced by enterochromaffin cells and small amounts stimulate motility and large amounts seem to slow motility. As we know Melatonin is also produced in the body by the pineal gland and is responsible for helping with sleep/wake cycles of the body’s biorhythm. It also boosts natural killer cell activity ...

Hate Veggies? Braise the Roof

Good nutrition starts with veggies. Everybody knows much that when hearing this advice it literally goes in one ear and out the next.  What I learned from Dr. Lisle  who wrote The Pleasure Trap is that you have to train your tastebuds to like veggies. You literally start to crave vegetables if you train yourself over time. Just like you crave chocolate if you train yourself to like chocolate! If you don't eat veggies much and you start with a basic salad as your training're likely to not come back for more. If you need to train your tastebuds again, start with Braised Kale in Coconut milk. It will load you up with nutrients and also introduce you to veggies in a way that will open your mind. I personally make many different sauces and dressings to keep my tastebuds happy. Braised Greens with Coconut Milk :Braising is using both moist and dry heat to prepare a food. Braising seems to soften those tougher to chew foods like Kale. This recipe is c...

Recover your adrenals with this evening oatmeal dish

One of my favorite suggestions for people with adrenal fatigue is to start nourishing their mineral supply, their sleep, and reducing stress. The key word is nourish. This evening oatmeal is wonderful for that.  Those of you who are concerned that I am asking someone to eat near bedtime have a good point. But realize those with true adrenal fatigue should not necessarily fast for too long of a period of time because fasting can cause further cortisol imbalance. Those who have adequate adrenal function should not eat this before bedtime but perhaps at another time. If you are unclear about whether or not you have adrenal fatigue you may request a four point cortisol test like the adrenal stress index that is offered through many naturopathic physician offices. Apple Pie Oatmeal from “The Oh She Glows Cookbook” 1 serving Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 8 to 12: Gluten free, oil-free, refined-sugar free, soy-free 1/3 cup gluten free rolled oats 1 medium Gala Apple, p...

Release the Belly Shame

My patients are often surprised when I ask them to release  the belly shame as part of their  IBS  treatment. Why do this? There is  a propensity in this population to “suck in the gut” which physiologically leads to increased nervous tension, abdominal guarding, and probably will be proven one day to be a contributing factor in diarrhea and/or constipation that is chronic.  The second brain (the gut) is being told to “hold”.   I  learned this exercise through Katy Bowman that is helping some of my patients manage their IBS (and SIBO). I combine this with some other things that support releasing tension.   Love your belly ….even if it makes funny sounds and has not been cooperative. Fighting it and  resisting it won’t really support it back to health. Here are some guidelines on Abdominal Release adapted from the great work of Katy Bowman.