- You are not infected. SIBO is an overgrowth of normal bacteria or archaea of your gut who have migrated (north) from the Large Intestine to Small Intestine. They have moved and have found a hospitable home in a normally inhospitable location.
- There are many reasons that one develops Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and the most common is like due to a chronic functional bowel disorder like Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
- Other reasons you might develop SIBO is due to chronic intestinal problems like Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Prolonged use of Proton Pump Inhibitors, or history of bowel surgeries.
- Your food choices don’t cause SIBO but may have worsened it. People on really healthy diets get SIBO too….but since bacteria feeds on rapidly ferment-able carbohydrates and starches you may have been feeding the problem. However don’t blame your food for the problem there is usually a deeper underlying cause.
- The standard treatment is an antibiotic called Rifaximin but herbal medicine be used instead or in combination well.
- Make sure your provider explains a plan on restoring the disrupted migrating motor complex and has a handle on helping you address this potential underlying cause.
- SIBO may contribute to leaky gut so an overall plan or further testing for leaky but may be relevant.
- SIBO often relapes , however, a prevention plan can help keep it away.
- It is normal to have some bacteria and archaea in the small intestine just not as much that occurs in SIBO.
- You can recover and improve your gut function with a good comprehensive treatment approach.
- If you want to learn more about SIBO email me at sibo@soundintegrative.com
Adam Rinde, ND
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